“I'm passionate about issues that concern the environment and health and through my strong drive and my fighting spirit I want to inspire others to get involved. Together we can make a change.”
The 2022 Initiative
Fighting for our nature, for everyone's equal rights and for increased well-being feels obvious to me. In 2018, I was therefore named the Swedish 2022 Initiative's first goodwill ambassador. A fundraiser has been launched in favor of the global goals that link to my commitment to well-being and human rights, especially the rights of the Sami and indigenous peoples. In my music there are many links to the global goals and by paying attention to the Sami and the joik internationally, I want to improve the conditions for the indigenous peoples of the Earth.
Orange Day MC
Orange Day MC is a fantastic initiative! It's a manifestation where motorcyclists from all over the world stand up for a society free from violence against girls and women. The initiative encourages both civilians, governments and UN partners to fight for this important issue. Every year, we drive through Sweden to raise awareness for the problem and the 25th day of each month is named Orange MC Day. By participating, I lend my voice to this campaign and help spread the message.